"He whose life has a why can bear almost any how." Friedrich Nietzche
In the process of psychotherapy we explore and bring to awareness countless of forms of life’s challenges. Here are some of the life's challenges where psychotherapy can offer much needed support and help:

Experiencing a lot of worrying and despair in life,
Experiencing stagnation in a particular period of your life,
Having experience with mental illness and struggles, personally or within other important relationships,
Experiencing grief or termination of relationships,
Experiencing anxiety, fear, obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviour,
Experiencing non-substance addiction, feeling trapped in a cycle of harmful behaviour,
Feeling inferior and being harmfully self-critical,
Experiencing feelings of loneliness,
Experiencing challenges which become evident after critical life events,
Experiencing harmful stress/distress,
Experiencing challenges in personal relationships,
Experiencing challenges in professional and academic environments,
Experiencing lack of meaning of life,
Discovering different aspect of identity and how that affect your life,
Experiencing despair and frustrations in a romantic relationship,
Acknowledging your inner dynamics which are making it harder for you to live life to the fullest…